Use the links below to download a complete list of journals or books on the Project MUSE platform including data such as URL, electronic and print ISSN/ISBN, coverage, and publisher information, in comma-separated, tab-separated, or excel file formats. You may customize the information to fit your local needs using functions such as sorting, hiding or deleting columns or rows of data, to create a list of journals to which you are considering subscribing, or books your institution is considering purchasing. If you are currently a MUSE customer, we encourage accessing the data on your institution's unique MUSE holdings via our Library Dashboard. From the dashboard, you may access custom title lists, and MARC and KBART downloads, for your library's content holdings on MUSE. Log in to the dashboard (or request a new, free, account) here.

Journal Holdings

Includes journal titles currently in MUSE and titles scheduled to join MUSE in the next subscription year. All titles are listed. For the Excel download, customize the spreadsheet by hiding or deleting unwanted columns.

Book Holdings

Includes all book titles currently on MUSE. For the Excel download, customize the spreadsheet by hiding or deleting unwanted columns.