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a/b: Auto/Biography Studies
Volume 24, Number 1, Summer 2009
Ab Imperio
Acadiensis: Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region / Revue d’histoire de la region atlantique
Volume 45, Number 1, Winter/Spring 2016
Adoption & Culture
Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018
Advertising & Society Quarterly
Volume 25, Issue 2, Summer 2024
Africa: The Journal of the International African Institute
Volume 76, Number 1, 2006
African American Review
Volume 55, Number 1, Spring 2022
African Studies Review
Volume 48, Number 1, April 2005
Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism
Volume 4, 2004
American Annals of the Deaf
Volume 148, Number 1, Spring 2003
American Benedictine Review
Volume 74, Number 2, June 2023
American Book Review
Volume 32, Number 4, May/June 2011
The American Indian Quarterly
Volume 39, Number 1, Winter 2015
American Jewish History
Volume 106, Number 1, January 2022
The American Journal of Bioethics
Volume 2, Number 2, Spring 2002
American Journal of Mathematics
Volume 145, Number 1, February 2023
American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Volume 21, Numbers 1-2, Spring-Summer 2018
American Journal of Theology & Philosophy
Volume 31, Number 1, January 2010
American Literary Realism
Volume 42, Number 1, Fall 2009
American Literary Scholarship
American Periodicals: A Journal of History & Criticism
Volume 19, Number 1, 2009
American Quarterly
Volume 75, Number 1, March 2023
Anthropological Linguistics
Volume 55, Number 2, Summer 2013
Anthropological Quarterly
Volume 73, Number 3, July 2000
Antiphon: A Journal for Liturgical Renewal
Volume 26, Number 3, 2022
Appalachian Heritage
Volume 36, Number 1, Winter 2008
Archives of Asian Art
Volume 58, 2008
Arctic Anthropology
Volume 45, Number 1, 2008
ariel: A Review of International English Literature
Volume 54, Number 1, January 2023
Arion: A Journal of the Humanities and the Classics
Volume 27, Number 3, Winter 2020
Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies
Volume 10, 2006
Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory
Volume 65, Number 3, Autumn 2009
Volume 79, Number 1, Spring 2023
ASEAN Economic Bulletin
Volume 26, Number 1, April 2009
Asian Perspectives
Volume 59, Number 1, 2020
Asian Theatre Journal
Volume 37, Number 1, Spring 2020
Azalea: Journal of Korean Literature & Culture
Volume 13, 2020
Black History Bulletin
Volume 83, Number 1, Spring 2020
Black Music Research Journal
Volume 30, Number 1, Spring 2010
Black Women, Gender & Families
Volume 3, Number 1, Spring 2009
Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature
Volume 61, Number 1, 2023
Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal
Volume 11, Number 1, Spring 2006
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity
Fall 2022
Brookings Papers on Education Policy
Brookings Trade Forum
Brookings-Wharton Papers on Financial Services
Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs
Buddhist-Christian Studies
Volume 40, 2020
Buildings & Landscapes: Journal of the Vernacular Architecture Forum
Volume 16, Number 2, Fall 2009
The Bulletin of Hispanic Studies
Volume 86, Number 1, 2009
Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books
Volume 77, Number 1, September 2023
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Volume 97, Number 1, Spring 2023
The Cambridge Quarterly
Volume 35, Number 1, 2006
Canadian Ethnic Studies
Volume 39, Number 1–2, 2007
The Canadian Historical Review
Volume 91, Number 2, June 2010
Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Volume 52, Number 3, June/juin 2010
Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science
Volume 34, Number 1, March/mars 2010
Canadian Journal of Law and Society
Volume 20, Number 1, 2005
The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique
48(1/2), March-June/mars-juin 2003
Canadian Journal of Philosophy
Volume 36, Number 1, March 2006
The Canadian Journal of Sociology
Volume 29, Number 1, Winter 2004
Canadian Journal of Women and the Law
Volume 17, Number 1, 2005
Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement
Volume 28, Number 4, December/décembre 2009
The Canadian Modern Language Review / La revue canadienne des langues vivantes
Volume 66, Number 4, June / juin 2010
Canadian Public Policy
Volume 35, Number 1, March/mars 2009
Canadian Review of American Studies
Volume 40, Number 1, 2010
Canadian Theatre Review
Issue 141, January 2010
The Catholic Historical Review
Volume 96, Number 1, January 2010
The Chaucer Review
Volume 34, Number 3, 2000
Children's Literature
Volume 51, 2023
Children's Literature Association Quarterly
Volume 47, Number 1, Spring 2022
China: An International Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, March 2004
China Review International
Volume 27, Number 2, 2020
CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature
Volume 38, Number 1, July 2019
Christianity & Literature
Volume 72, Number 1, March 2023
Cinema Journal
49, Number 2, Winter 2010
Collaborative Anthropologies
Volume 7, Number 1, Fall 2014
The Comparatist
Volume 29, May 2005
Comparative Critical Studies
Volume 3, Issue 1-2, 2006
Comparative Literature Studies
Volume 36, Number 3, 1999
Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East
Volume 24, Number 1, 2004
Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture
Issue 14, 2007
Contemporary Literature
Volume 45, Number 1, Spring 2004
The Contemporary Pacific
Volume 32, Number 2, 2020
Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs
Volume 31, Number 1, April 2009
The Cormac McCarthy Journal
Volume 13, 2015
La corónica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Volume 50, Number 1-2, Fall 2021-Spring 2022
Volume 45, Number 1, Fall 2016
CR: The New Centennial Review
Volume 7, Number 2, Fall 2007
Critical Philosophy of Race
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2013
Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review
Volume 3, Number 1, May 2014
Cuban Studies
Volume 34, 2003
Cultural Critique
Number 74, Winter 2010
CUSP: Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Cultures
Volume 1, Number 1, Winter 2023
Dance Research Journal
Volume 41, Number 1, Summer 2009
Dante Studies
Volume 139, 2021
Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
Volume 13, Number 1, Spring 2004
Dickens Studies Annual: Essays on Victorian Fiction
Volume 48, 2017
differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies
Volume 10, Number 3, Fall 1998
Digital Philology: A Journal of Medieval Cultures
Volume 12, Number 1, Spring 2023
e-Service Journal
Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2001
Early American Literature
Volume 35, Number 3, 2000
Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Volume 8, Number 1, Winter 2010
Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review
Volume 18, Number 1, January 2002
Ecological Restoration
Volume 28, Number 1, March 2010
The Edgar Allan Poe Review
Volume 14, Number 1, Spring 2013
Edith Wharton Review
Volume 34, Number 1, 2018
Education and Culture
Volume 22, Number 1, 2006
Education and Treatment of Children
Volume 30, Number 1, February 2007
The Eighteenth Century
Volume 50, Number 1, Spring 2009
Eighteenth-Century Fiction
Volume 33, Number 1, Fall 2020
Eighteenth-Century Life
Volume 20, Number 1, February 1996
Eighteenth-Century Studies
Volume 56, Number 1, Fall 2022
The Emily Dickinson Journal
Volume 31, Number 1, 2022
Enterprise & Society
Volume 4, Number 1, March 2003
Episteme: A Journal of Social Epistemology
Volume 3, Issue 1-2, 2006
ESC: English Studies in Canada
Volume 33, Issue 3, September 2007
ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance
Volume 53, Number 1, 2007 (Nos. 206 O.S.)
Essays in Criticism
Volume 56, Number 1, January 2006
Ethics & the Environment
Volume 6, Number 1, Spring 2001
Eugene O'Neill Review
Volume 33, Number 1, 2012
European Journal of Language Policy
Volume 6, Issue 2, Autumn 2014
The F. Scott Fitzgerald Review
Volume 11, 2013
The Faulkner Journal
Volume 33, Number 1, Spring 2019
Feminist Formations
Volume 35, Issue 1, Spring 2023
Feminist German Studies
Volume 34, 2018
Feminist Studies
Volume 46, Number 3, 2020
Feminist Teacher
Volume 19, Number 1, 2008
Filipino American National Historical Society Journal
Volume 10, 2020
Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and Television Studies
Volume 34.1 (2004)
Film History: An International Journal
Volume 17, Number 1, 2005
Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction
Volume 11, Number 2, Fall 2009
Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media
Volume 49, Number 1, Spring 2008
Franciscan Studies
Volume 66, 2008
Francophonies d'Amérique
Printemps 2004 Numéro 17
French Colonial History
Volume 10, 2009
French Historical Studies
Volume 22, Number 4, Fall 1999
French Studies: A Quarterly Review
Volume 60, Number 3, July 2006
Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies
Volume 39, Number 1, 2018
Future Anterior: Journal of Historic Preservation History, Theory, and Criticism
Volume 6, Number 1, Summer 2009
The Future of Children
Volume 19, Number 2, Fall 2009
Geographical Analysis
Volume 34, Number 1, January 2002
Georgetown Journal of International Affairs
Volume 24, Number 1, Spring 2023
German Studies Review
Volume 46, Number 1, February 2023
German Yearbook of Contemporary History
Volume 8, 2024
Ghana Studies
Volume 17, 2014
Global Environmental Politics
Volume 23, Number 3, August 2023
GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies
Volume 5, Number 3, 1999
Goethe Yearbook
Volume 17, 2010
The Good Society
Volume 11, Number 1, 2002
Great Plains Quarterly
Volume 34, Number 1, Winter 2014
Great Plains Research
Volume 26, Number 1, Spring 2016
The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics
Volume 4, Number 3, Summer 1999
Hawaiian Journal of History
Volume 54, 2020
Hebrew Studies
Volume 51, 2010
The Hemingway Review
Volume 28, Number 2, Spring 2009
The Henry James Review
Volume 44, Number 1, Winter 2023
Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Volume 74, Number 1, January-March 2005
Hispanic American Historical Review
79:3, August 1999
Histoire sociale / Social History
Volume 41, Number 81, Mai-May 2008
Historical Geography
Volume 46, 2018
Volume 45, 2017
Historically Speaking
Volume 14, Number 1, January 2013
Histories of Anthropology Annual
Volume 4, 2008
History in Africa
Volume 32, 2005
History Workshop Journal
Issue 57, Spring 2004
Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Volume 17, Number 1, Spring 2003
Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal
Volume 5, Number 1, May 2006
Home Front Studies
Volume 1, 2021
Hopscotch: A Cultural Review
Volume 1, Number 3, 1999
Human Rights Quarterly
Volume 45, Number 1, February 2023
Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development
Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2010
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
Volume 30, Number 1, January-March 2008
Illinois Classical Studies
Volume 40, Number 1, 2015
Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies
Volume 10, Issue 1, Winter 2003
Innovations: Technology, Governance, Globalization
Volume 8, Issue 1/2, 2013
Interdisciplinary Literary Studies
Volume 14, Number 1, 2012
International Journal of Evangelization and Catechetics
Volume 1, Number 1, Winter 2020
International Organization
Volume 56, Number 1, Winter 2002
International Security
Volume 48, Number 1, Summer 2023
Italian Culture
Volume 23, 2005
J19: The Journal of Nineteenth-Century Americanists
Volume 10, Number 1, Spring 2022
James Joyce Quarterly
Volume 44, Number 1, Fall 2006
JEGP, Journal of English and Germanic Philology
Volume 108, Number 1, January 2009
Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
Volume 5, Number 1, Spring/Summer 2005
Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society
Volume 8, Number 1, Spring 2003
Journal for the Study of Radicalism
Volume 2, Number 2, 2009
The Journal of Aesthetic Education
Volume 43, Number 1, Spring 2009
Journal of Africana Religions
Volume 1, Number 1, 2013
Journal of American Folklore
Volume 122, Number 483, Winter 2009
Journal of Asia-Pacific Pop Culture
Volume 1, Number 1, 2016
Journal of Asian American Studies
Volume 26, Number 1, February 2023
Journal of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness
Volume 2, Number 1, 2012
Journal of Austrian Studies
Volume 46, Number 1, Spring 2013
Journal of Ayn Rand Studies
Volume 14, Number 1, July 2014
Journal of Burma Studies
Volume 24, Number 1, June 2020
Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d'études canadiennes
Volume 39, Number 3, Fall 2005
Journal of Chinese Overseas
Volume 2, Number 1, May 2006
Journal of Chinese Religions
Volume 51, Number 1, June 2023
Journal of Cold War Studies
Volume 25, Number 2, Spring 2023
Journal of College Student Development
Volume 64, Number 1, January/February 2023
Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History
Volume 24, Number 1, Spring 2023
Journal of Daoist Studies
Volume 13, 2020
The Journal of Developing Areas
Volume 43, Number 2, Spring 2010
Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism
Volume 36, Number 1, Fall 2021
Journal of Early Christian Studies
Volume 31, Number 1, Spring 2023
Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies
Volume 1, Number 1, 2013
Journal of Education Finance
Volume 37, Number 1, Summer 2011
Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion
Volume 21, Number 1, Spring 2005
Journal of Film and Video
Volume 61, Number 1, Spring 2009
Journal of Folklore Research
Volume 40, Number 1, January-April 2003
The Journal of General Education
Volume 48, Number 2, 1999
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved
Volume 34, Number 1, February 2023
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law
Volume 24, Number 5, October 1999
The Journal of Higher Education
Volume 80, Number 1, January/February 2009
Journal of Interdisciplinary History
Volume 53, Number 4, Spring 2023
The Journal of Japanese Studies
Volume 30, Number 1, Winter 2004
Journal of Jewish Identities
Issue 16, Numbers 1-2, January/July 2023
Journal of Korean Religions
Volume 11, Number 2, October 2020
Journal of Korean Studies
Volume 18, Number 2, Fall 2013
Journal of Late Antiquity
Volume 16, Number 1, Spring 2023
Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies
Volume 3, Number 1, 2009
Journal of Literature and Trauma Studies
Volume 3, Number 1, Spring 2014
Journal of Magazine Media
Volume 18, Number 1, Fall 2017
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Volume 27, Number 1, Winter 1997
The Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures
Volume 36, Number 1, 2010
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies
Volume 2, Number 1, Winter 2006
The Journal of Military History
Volume 67, Number 1, January 2003
Journal of Modern Greek Studies
Volume 41, Number 1, May 2023
The Journal of Modern Periodical Studies
Volume 1, Number 1, 2010
Journal of Moravian History
Volume 12, Number 1, 2012
Journal of Narrative Theory
Volume 40, Number 1, Winter 2010
The Journal of Nietzsche Studies
Issue 23, Spring 2002
Journal of Orthodox Christian Studies
Volume 5, Number 1, 2022
Journal of Policy History
Volume 22, Number 1, 2010
Journal of Scholarly Publishing
Volume 41, Number 4, July 2010
Journal of Slavic Linguistics
Volume 16, Number 1, Winter - Spring 2008
Journal of Social History
Volume 39, Number 1, Fall 2005
Journal of Song-Yuan Studies
Volume 38, 2008
Volume 50, 2021
The Journal of Speculative Philosophy
New Series, Volume 13, Number 2, 1999
Journal of Sports Media
Volume 8, Number 2, Fall 2013
Journal of Supreme Court History
Volume 48, Number 1, 2023
Journal of the American Academy of Religion
Volume 74, Number 1, March 2006
The Journal of the Civil War Era
Volume 1, Number 1, March 2011
Journal of the Early Republic
Volume 30, Number 1, Spring 2010
The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth
Volume 16, Number 1, Winter 2023
Journal of the History of Ideas
Volume 71, Number 1, January 2010
Journal of the History of Philosophy
Volume 61, Number 1, January 2023
Journal of the History of Sexuality
Volume 19, Number 1, January 2010
Journal of the Royal Musical Association
Volume 130, Part 1, 2005
Journal of Victorian Culture
Volume 11, Number 1, Spring 2006
Journal of Women's History
Volume 35, Number 1, Spring 2023
Joyce Studies Annual
Volume 2007
The Jurist: Studies in Church Law and Ministry
Volume 67, Number 1, 2007
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal
Volume 33, Number 1, March 2023
Korean Studies
Volume 46, 2022
Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History
Volume 3, Number 1, Winter 2002 (New Series)
Labor Studies Journal
Volume 27, Number 1, Spring 2002
Landscape Journal: design, planning, and management of the land
Volume 30, Number 1, 2011
Late Imperial China
Volume 43, Number 1, June 2022
Latin American Music Review
Volume 31, Number 1, Spring/Summer 2010
Latin American Politics & Society
Volume 46, Number 1, Spring 2004
Latin American Research Review
Volume 43, Number 1, 2008
Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers
Volume 31, Number 2, 2014
Leonardo Music Journal
Volume 29, 2019
The Library: The Transactions of the Bibliographical Society
Volume 7, Number 1, March 2006
The Lion and the Unicorn
Volume 46, Number 1, January 2022
Literature and Medicine
Volume 40, Number 1, Spring 2022
Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture
Volume 24, Number 1, Winter 2021
Luso-Brazilian Review
Volume 41, Number 1, 2004
Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft
Volume 1, Number 1, Summer 2006
The Mark Twain Annual
Volume 11, 2013
Marvels & Tales
Volume 28, Number 1, 2014
Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies
Volume 7, Number 1, 2020
Max Weber Studies
Volume 20, Number 2, July 2020
Volume 4, 2009
The Medieval Globe
Volume 8, Number 1, 2022
Mediterranean Quarterly
Volume 10, Number 3, Summer 1999
Mediterranean Studies
Volume 20, Number 1, 2012
MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S.
Volume 35, Number 1, Spring 2010
Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism
Volume 4, Number 1, 2003
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly
Volume 55, Number 4, October 2009
MFS Modern Fiction Studies
Volume 69, Number 1, Spring 2023
Milton Studies
Volume 53, 2012
Mississippi Quarterly
Volume 75, Number 1, 2022
MLQ: Modern Language Quarterly
Volume 64, Number 1, March 2003
Volume 29, Number 1, January 2022
Monumenta Nipponica
Volume 60, Number 1, Spring 2005
Mosaic: a journal for the interdisciplinary study of literature
Volume 44, Number 1, March 2011
Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada
Volume 7, Number 1, 2007, LI—Series III
Le mouvement social
Number 226, janvier-mars 2009
Nabokov Studies
Volume 8, 2004
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics
Volume 12, Number 1, Spring 2022
Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues
Number 6, Fall 5764/2003
Native South
Volume 6, 2013
New Literary History
Volume 53, Number 1, Winter 2022
NINE: A Journal of Baseball History and Culture
Volume 21, Number 2, Spring 2013
Nineteenth-Century French Studies
Volume 43, Numbers 1-2, Fall-Winter 2014-2015
North American journal of Celtic studies
Volume 3, Number 2, 2019
Northeast African Studies
Volume 6, Number 1-2, 1999 (New Series)
Nouvelles Études Francophones
Volume 30, Numéro 1, Printemps 2015
Nuevo Texto Crítico
Volume 21, Numbers 41-42, 2008
Oceanic Linguistics
Volume 60, Number 1, June 2021
Ohio History
Volume 116, 2009
The Opera Quarterly
Volume 18, Number 1, Winter 2002
Oregon Historical Quarterly
Volume 121, Number 2, Summer 2020
Pacific Coast Philology
Volume 49, Issue 1, 2014
PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art
Volume 45, Number 2, May 2023 (PAJ 134)
Parliamentary History
Volume 25, Part 1, 2006
Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas
Volume 21, Number 1, January 2023
Past & Present
Number 188, August 2005
Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies
Volume 77, Number 1, Winter 2010
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
Volume 66, Number 1, Winter 2023
Perspectives on Science
Volume 31, Number 3, May-June 2023
Philip Roth Studies
Volume 6, Number 1, Spring 2010
Philosophy and Literature
Volume 47, Number 1, April 2023
Philosophy & Rhetoric
Volume 32, Number 2, 1999
Philosophy of Music Education Review
Volume 11, Number 1, Spring 2003
Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology
Volume 30, Number 1, March 2023
Poe Studies
Volume 55, 2022
Population, English edition
Volume 63, Number 1, 2008
Population Review
Volume 48, Number 1, 2009
portal: Libraries and the Academy
Volume 23, Number 1, January 2023
Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural
Volume 1, Number 1, 2012
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society
Volume 164, Number 2, June 2020
Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action
Volume 17, Number 1, Spring 2023
Volume 12, Special Issue 2018
Volume 11, Issue 1, Spring 2017
The Public Historian
Volume 40, Number 1, February 2018
Quaestiones Disputatae
Volume 5, Number 1, Fall 2014
Race/Ethnicity: Multidisciplinary Global Contexts
Volume 2, Number 1, Autumn 2008
Radical History Review
Issue 79, Winter 2001
Radical Teacher
Number 84, Spring 2009
Reception: Texts, Readers, Audiences, History
Volume 5, 2013
Red Cedar Review
Volume 43, 2008
Renaissance Quarterly
Volume 60, Number 1, Spring 2007
Research in African Literatures
Volume 53, Number 3, Fall 2022
The Review of Higher Education
Volume 46, Number 1, Fall 2022
Review of Japanese Culture and Society
Volume 30, 2018
Reviews in American History
Volume 50, Number 1, March 2022
Revista Hispánica Moderna
Volume 62, Number 1, June 2009
Rhetoric & Public Affairs
Volume 12, Number 3, Fall 2009
Rhetoric of Health & Medicine
Volume 1, Numbers 1-2, Winter/Spring 2018
River Teeth: A Journal of Nonfiction Narrative
Volume 11, Number 1, Fall 2009
Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies
Volume 42, Number 1, Summer 2022
Saint Anselm Journal
Volume 14, Number 1, Fall 2018
SAIS Review of International Affairs
Volume 42, Number 1, Winter-Spring 2022
The Scottish Historical Review
Volume 85, Number 1: No. 219, April 2006
SEL Studies in English Literature 1500-1900
Volume 61, Number 1, Winter 2021
Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies
Volume 42, Number 1, February 2006
Serbian Studies: Journal of the North American Society for Serbian Studies
Volume 20, Number 1, 2006
Shakespeare Bulletin
Volume 41, Number 1, Spring 2023
Shakespeare Quarterly
Volume 69, Number 1, Spring 2018
SHAW The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies
Volume 20, 2000
Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies
Volume 24, Number 3, Spring 2006
Sign Language Studies
Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2000
An Sionnach: A Journal of Literature, Culture, and the Arts
Volume 5, Numbers 1 & 2, Spring & Fall 2009
Sirena: poesia, arte y critica
Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society
Volume 10, Number 1, Spring 2003
Social Research: An International Quarterly
Volume 90, Number 1, Spring 2023
Social Science History
Volume 23, Number 4, Winter 1999
Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia
Volume 24, Number 1, April 2009
Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Volume 95, Number 1, 2012
South Central Review
Volume 40, Number 1, Spring 2023
Southeast Asian Affairs
Volume 2008
The Southern Literary Journal
Volume 33, Number 1, Fall 2000
The Southern Quarterly
Volume 52, Number 1, Fall 2014
Southwestern Historical Quarterly
Volume 110, Number 1, July 2006
Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality
Volume 23, Number 1, Spring 2023
Storyworlds: A Journal of Narrative Studies
Volume 6, Number 2, Winter 2014
Studies in American Fiction
Volume 48, Issue 1, Spring 2021
Studies in American Humor
Series 4, Volume 1, Number 1, 2015
Studies in American Indian Literatures
Volume 26, Number 1, Spring 2014
Studies in American Jewish Literature
Volume 27, 2008
Studies in American Naturalism
Volume 9, Number 1, Summer 2014
Studies in Bibliography
Volume 60, 2018
Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture
Volume 51, 2022
Studies in Philology
Volume 100, Number 1, Winter 2003
Studies in the Age of Chaucer
Volume 30, 2008
Studies in World Christianity
Volume 12, Number 1, 2006
Tang Studies
Number 40, 2022
Technology and Culture
Volume 64, Number 1, January 2023
Texas Studies in Literature and Language
Volume 52, Number 1, Spring 2010
Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation
Volume 3, Number 1, Spring 2008
Theory Into Practice
Volume 42, Number 1, Winter 2003
The Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review
Volume 79, Number 1, January 2015
The Tocqueville Review/La revue Tocqueville
Volume 30, Number 1, 2009
Tolkien Studies
Volume 1, 2004
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
Volume 112, Part 3, 2023
Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society: A Quarterly Journal in American Philosophy
Volume 42, Number 1, Winter 2006
Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
49, 2002
Volume 104, 2020
Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy
Volume 25, Number 1, Spring/Summer 2014
Issue 134, 2023
Translation and Literature
Volume 15, Part 1, Spring 2006
Transportation Journal
Volume 51, Number 1, Winter 2012
Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature
Volume 26, Number 2, Fall 2007
Twentieth-Century China
Volume 48, Number 1, January 2023
The Undecidable Unconscious: A Journal of Deconstruction and Psychoanalysis
Volume 1, 2014
University of Toronto Law Journal
Volume 54, Number 1, Winter 2004
U.S. Catholic Historian
Volume 27, Number 4, Fall 2009
U.S.-Japan Women's Journal
Volume 58, 2020
US Latina & Latino Oral History Journal
Volume 2, 2018
Utopian Studies
Volume 21, Number 1, 2010
The Velvet Light Trap
Number 65, Spring 2010
Victorian Periodicals Review
Volume 55, Number 1, Spring 2022
Wallace Stevens Journal
Number 47, Number 1, Spring 2023
The Washington Quarterly
Volume 23, Number 1, Winter 2000
West Virginia History: A Journal of Regional Studies
New Series, Volume 1, Number 1, Spring 2007
Western American Literature
Volume 49, Number 2, Summer 2014
William Carlos Williams Review
Volume 26, Number 1, Spring 2006
Women and Music: A Journal of Gender and Culture
Volume 18, 2014
World Policy Journal
Volume 27, Number 1, Spring 2010
WSQ: Women's Studies Quarterly
Volume 37, Numbers 1 & 2, Spring/Summer 2009
Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature
Volume 54, 2008
Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers
Volume 82, 2020