These Project MUSE Journal Collections are available to Public Libraries in the USA and Canada. View or download a chart comparing the titles included in the collections.

Premium Collection

The Premium Collection is MUSE's foremost collection of high quality, peer reviewed, interdisciplinary journals and is designed for institutions acquiring comprehensively in the humanities and social sciences. It offers internationally respected scholarly journals that support the collection development and research needs of major research institutions. All new collection titles added each year to MUSE become part of the Premium Collection, making it the most comprehensive collection offered by MUSE, and the corresponding annual price increase will reflect the number and nature of new titles added.

Standard Collection

The Standard Collection is an interdisciplinary collection of high quality, peer reviewed journals designed for institutions acquiring extensively in the humanities and social sciences. It offers institutions the interdisciplinary content consistent with their collection development needs yet ensures controlled annual growth. It is a subset of the Premium Collection, and new titles may be added selectively each year, offering controlled growth reflected in modest annual price increases.

Basic College Collection

The Basic College Collection is designed for four and two year colleges acquiring selectively in the humanities and social sciences. Titles added to this collection are chosen based on a number of criteria, including the journal's presence in appropriate high quality indexes, inclusion in archival collections, and current usage in MUSE. It is the smallest interdisciplinary subset of the Premium Collection and grows modestly in size and price from year to year.