Participating Publishers

The following journal publishers have committed at least one title to participate in the MUSE Subscribe to Open program, beginning in 2025. Click on the publisher name to see the participating journals and starting in 2025, in any year that the S2O program is successful, all new content from these journals will be open access immediately upon publication.

Advertising Educational Foundation
Center for Irish Studies at the University of St. Thomas
Center of Latin American Studies, University of Kansas
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press
Dictionary Society of North America
Early Theatre
International Vladimir Nabokov Society and Davidson College
Johns Hopkins University Press
Liverpool University Press
Mid-American Studies Association
The Ohio State University Press
Philosophy Documentation Center
Purdue University Press
Scriptorium Press
Sociological Demography Press
The Southwest Center, University of Arizona
UCLA, CMRS Center for Early Global Studies
University of Hawai'i Press
University of Illinois Press
University of Minnesota Press
University of Maryland
University of Missouri
University of Nebraska Press
The University of North Carolina Press
University of Pennsylvania Press
University of Texas Press
The University of Tulsa
University of Wisconsin Press