News and Announcements

Available Now: 2023 Premium Plus Package of Hosted Journals On Project MUSE
The Project MUSE Premium Plus Package provides access to a large bundle of journal titles that are part of the journal hosting program on the MUSE platform

Black History Bulletin Now Hosted on Project MUSE
The Association for the Study of African American Life and History, widely known as the founders of Black History Month, has selected Project MUSE to host its journal, Black History Bulletin.

Two More Renowned University Presses Select Project MUSE as Their Journals Platform
MUSE will host five additional titles from University of Minnesota Press and three from the Wayne State University Press, making the MUSE platform the home for all subscription journals from both publishers.

Royal Irish Academy Journals to be Hosted on Project MUSE
The Royal Irish Academy has chosen the Project MUSE platform to host their journals, beginning in 2022.

Modern Humanities Research Association Chooses Project MUSE to Host Journals
Project MUSE is delighted to announce that, beginning in 2022, five subscription journals from the Modern Humanities Research Association (MHRA) will be hosted on the MUSE platform.

More Journals Migrating To Project MUSE Platform
Project MUSE is pleased to announce seven additional journal titles now available on our platform.

Project MUSE to Re-Launch Enhanced Journal Hosting Service
Project MUSE is pleased to announce expanded and enhanced journal hosting services for 2021. Originally introduced in 2015, MUSE’s hosting service has provided an option for publishers to place journals on the MUSE platform outside of its renowned Journal Collections Program. Project MUSE will introduce new, streamlined hosting fees for 2021 in order to make the services more accessible to a wider variety of non-profit publishers.

Seven Journals Now Hosted on Project MUSE
Project MUSE is pleased to share information about seven more journal titles now hosted on our platform. These titles are not included in MUSE Journal Collections, but are either open access or available to institutions as individual title subscriptions.